Today is our 10th wedding anniversary!
If you’d told me 11 years ago that I would have been married within a year, I would’ve called you crazy. But, life has a funny habit of throwing curveballs, and truth be told, I wouldn’t even be able to hit an underarm pitch, let alone a curveball. Anyway, here we are; 10 years of married life, and whilst we've had some ups and downs over the years, we've ridden all the waves, and are just as strong today, if not more so, than we were in 2014.
Here's to at least another 10 years!
Friday, January 6. 2023
Windows 10 Settings
Sometimes I find it quite annoying to have to open Settings and then open each different sub-section to find the setting that I need. It's often quicker and easier to use one of the following shortcuts:
Access work or school | ms-settings:workplace
Email & app accounts | ms-settings:emailandaccounts
Family & other people | ms-settings:otherusers
Set up a kiosk | ms-settings:assignedaccess
options | ms-settings:signinoptions | ms-settings:signinoptions-dynamiclock
Sync your settings | ms-settings:sync
Windows Hello setup | ms-settings:signinoptions-launchfaceenrollment | ms-settings:signinoptions-launchfingerprintenrollment
Your info | ms-settings:yourinfo
Apps & Features | ms-settings:appsfeatures
App features | ms-settings:appsfeatures-app (Reset, manage add-on & downloadable content, etc. for the app)
Apps for websites | ms-settings:appsforwebsites
Default apps | ms-settings:defaultapps
Manage optional features | ms-settings:optionalfeatures
Offline Maps | ms-settings:maps | ms-settings:maps-downloadmaps (Download maps)
Startup apps | ms-settings:startupapps
Video playback | ms-settings:videoplayback
Permissions & History | ms-settings:cortana-permissions
More details | ms-settings:cortana-moredetails
Cortana across my devices | ms-settings:cortana-notifications
Talk to Cortana | ms-settings:cortana-language | ms-settings:cortana | ms-settings:cortana-talktocortana
Audio and speech | ms-settings:holographic-audio
AutoPlay | ms-settings:autoplay
Bluetooth | ms-settings:bluetooth
Connected Devices | ms-settings:connecteddevices
Default camera | ms-settings:camera (Deprecated in Windows 10, version 1809 and later)
Mouse & touchpad | ms-settings:mousetouchpad
Pen & Windows Ink | ms-settings:pen
Printers & scanners | ms-settings:printers
Touchpad | ms-settings:devices-touchpad
Typing | ms-settings:typing
USB | ms-settings:usb
Wheel | ms-settings:wheel (only available if Dial is paired)
Your phone | ms-settings:mobile-devices
Ease of Access
Audio | ms-settings:easeofaccess-audio
Closed captions | ms-settings:easeofaccess-closedcaptioning
Color filters | ms-settings:easeofaccess-colorfilter
Cursor & pointer size | ms-settings:easeofaccess-cursorandpointersize
Display | ms-settings:easeofaccess-display
Eye control | ms-settings:easeofaccess-eyecontrol
Fonts | ms-settings:fonts
High contrast | ms-settings:easeofaccess-highcontrast
Holographic headset | ms-settings:holographic-headset
Keyboard | ms-settings:easeofaccess-keyboard
Magnifier | ms-settings:easeofaccess-magnifier
Mouse | ms-settings:easeofaccess-mouse
Narrator | ms-settings:easeofaccess-narrator
Other options | ms-settings:easeofaccess-otheroptions (Deprecated in Windows 10, version 1809 and later)
Speech | ms-settings:easeofaccess-speechrecognition
Extras | ms-settings:extras (only available if "settings apps" are installed, e.g. by a 3rd party)
Broadcasting | ms-settings:gaming-broadcasting
Game bar | ms-settings:gaming-gamebar
Game DVR | ms-settings:gaming-gamedvr
Game Mode | ms-settings:gaming-gamemode
Playing a game full screen | ms-settings:quietmomentsgame
TruePlay | ms-settings:gaming-trueplay (Deprecated in Windows 10, version 1809 and later)
Xbox Networking | ms-settings:gaming-xboxnetworking
Home Page
Settings home page | ms-settings:
Network & internet
Airplane mode | ms-settings:network-airplanemode | ms-settings:proximity
Cellular & SIM | ms-settings:network-cellular
Data usage | ms-settings:datausage
Dial-up | ms-settings:network-dialup
DirectAccess | ms-settings:network-directaccess (only available if DirectAccess is enabled)
Ethernet | ms-settings:network-ethernet
Manage known networks | ms-settings:network-wifisettings
Mobile hotspot | ms-settings:network-mobilehotspot
NFC | ms-settings:nfctransactions
Proxy | ms-settings:network-proxy
Status | ms-settings:network-status | -settings:network
VPN | ms-settings:network-vpn
Wi-Fi | ms-settings:network-wifi (only available if the device has a wifi adapter)
Wi-Fi Calling | ms-settings:network-wificalling (only available if Wi-Fi calling is enabled)
Background | ms-settings:personalization-background
Choose which folders appear on Start | ms-settings:personalization-start-places
Colors | ms-settings:personalization-colors | ms-settings:colors
Glance | ms-settings:personalization-glance (Deprecated in Windows 10, version 1809 and later)
Lock screen | ms-settings:lockscreen
Navigation bar | ms-settings:personalization-navbar (Deprecated in Windows 10, version 1809 and later)
Personalization (category) | ms-settings:personalization
Start | ms-settings:personalization-start
Taskbar | ms-settings:taskbar
Themes | ms-settings:themes
Your phone | ms-settings:mobile-devices | ms-settings:mobile-devices-addphone | ms-settings:mobile-devices-addphone-direct (Opens Your Phone app)
Accessory apps | ms-settings:privacy-accessoryapps (Deprecated in Windows 10, version 1809 and later)
Account info | ms-settings:privacy-accountinfo
Activity history | ms-settings:privacy-activityhistory
Advertising ID | ms-settings:privacy-advertisingid (Deprecated in Windows 10, version 1809 and later)
App diagnostics | ms-settings:privacy-appdiagnostics
Automatic file downloads | ms-settings:privacy-automaticfiledownloads
Background Apps | ms-settings:privacy-backgroundapps
Calendar | ms-settings:privacy-calendar
Call history | ms-settings:privacy-callhistory
Camera | ms-settings:privacy-webcam
Contacts | ms-settings:privacy-contacts
Documents | ms-settings:privacy-documents
Email | ms-settings:privacy-email
Eye tracker | ms-settings:privacy-eyetracker
Feedback & diagnostics | ms-settings:privacy-feedback
File system | ms-settings:privacy-broadfilesystemaccess
General | ms-settings:privacy-general
Location | ms-settings:privacy-location
Messaging | ms-settings:privacy-messaging
Microphone | ms-settings:privacy-microphone
Motion | ms-settings:privacy-motion
Notifications | ms-settings:privacy-notifications
Other devices | ms-settings:privacy-customdevices
Pictures | ms-settings:privacy-pictures
Phone calls | ms-settings:privacy-phonecall (Deprecated in Windows 10, version 1809 and later)
Radios | ms-settings:privacy-radios
Speech, inking & typing | ms-settings:privacy-speechtyping
Tasks | ms-settings:privacy-tasks
Videos | ms-settings:privacy-videos
Surface Hub
Accounts | ms-settings:surfacehub-accounts
Session cleanup | ms-settings:surfacehub-sessioncleanup
Team Conferencing | ms-settings:surfacehub-calling
Team device management | ms-settings:surfacehub-devicemanagenent
Welcome screen | ms-settings:surfacehub-welcome
About | ms-settings:about
Advanced display settings | ms-settings:display-advanced
Battery Saver | ms-settings:batterysaver
Battery Saver settings | ms-settings:batterysaver-settings
Battery use | ms-settings:batterysaver-usagedetails
Clipboard | ms-settings:clipboard
Display | ms-settings:display
Default Save Locations | ms-settings:savelocations
Display | ms-settings:screenrotation
Duplicating my display | ms-settings:quietmomentspresentation
During these hours | ms-settings:quietmomentsscheduled
Encryption | ms-settings:deviceencryption
Focus assist | ms-settings:quiethours | ms-settings:quietmomentshome
Graphics Settings | ms-settings:display-advancedgraphics
Messaging | ms-settings:messaging
Multitasking | ms-settings:multitasking
Night light settings | ms-settings:nightlight
Phone | ms-settings:phone-defaultapps
Projecting to this PC | ms-settings:project
Shared experiences | ms-settings:crossdevice
Tablet mode | ms-settings:tabletmode
Taskbar | ms-settings:taskbar
Notifications & actions | ms-settings:notifications
Remote Desktop | ms-settings:remotedesktop
Phone | ms-settings:phone (Deprecated in Windows 10, version 1809 and later)
Power & sleep | ms-settings:powersleep
Sounds | ms-settings:sounds
Storage | ms-settings:storagesense
Storage Sense | ms-settings:storagepolicies
Time and Language
Date & time | ms-settings:dateandtime
Japan IME settings | ms-settings:regionlanguage-jpnime
Language | ms-settings:keyboard
Pinyin IME settings | ms-settings:regionlanguage-chsime-pinyin
Speech | ms-settings:speech
Wubi IME settings | ms-settings:regionlanguage-chsime-wubi (available if the Microsoft Wubi input method editor is installed)
Update & Security
Activation | ms-settings:activation
Backup | ms-settings:backup
Delivery Optimization | ms-settings:delivery-optimization
Find My Device | ms-settings:findmydevice
For developers | ms-settings:developers
Recovery | ms-settings:recovery
Troubleshoot | ms-settings:troubleshoot
Windows Security | -settings:windowsdefender
Windows Insider Program | ms-settings:windowsinsider | ms-settings:windowsinsider-optin
Windows Update | ms-settings:windowsupdate | ms-settings:windowsupdate-action
Windows Update-Advanced options | ms-settings:windowsupdate-options
Windows Update-Restart options | ms-settings:windowsupdate-restartoptions
Windows Update-View update history | ms-settings:windowsupdate-history
User Accounts
Provisioning | ms-settings:workplace-provisioning
Provisioning | ms-settings:provisioning
Windows Anywhere | ms-settings:windowsanywhere
Access work or school | ms-settings:workplace
Email & app accounts | ms-settings:emailandaccounts
Family & other people | ms-settings:otherusers
Set up a kiosk | ms-settings:assignedaccess
options | ms-settings:signinoptions | ms-settings:signinoptions-dynamiclock
Sync your settings | ms-settings:sync
Windows Hello setup | ms-settings:signinoptions-launchfaceenrollment | ms-settings:signinoptions-launchfingerprintenrollment
Your info | ms-settings:yourinfo
Apps & Features | ms-settings:appsfeatures
App features | ms-settings:appsfeatures-app (Reset, manage add-on & downloadable content, etc. for the app)
Apps for websites | ms-settings:appsforwebsites
Default apps | ms-settings:defaultapps
Manage optional features | ms-settings:optionalfeatures
Offline Maps | ms-settings:maps | ms-settings:maps-downloadmaps (Download maps)
Startup apps | ms-settings:startupapps
Video playback | ms-settings:videoplayback
Permissions & History | ms-settings:cortana-permissions
More details | ms-settings:cortana-moredetails
Cortana across my devices | ms-settings:cortana-notifications
Talk to Cortana | ms-settings:cortana-language | ms-settings:cortana | ms-settings:cortana-talktocortana
Audio and speech | ms-settings:holographic-audio
AutoPlay | ms-settings:autoplay
Bluetooth | ms-settings:bluetooth
Connected Devices | ms-settings:connecteddevices
Default camera | ms-settings:camera (Deprecated in Windows 10, version 1809 and later)
Mouse & touchpad | ms-settings:mousetouchpad
Pen & Windows Ink | ms-settings:pen
Printers & scanners | ms-settings:printers
Touchpad | ms-settings:devices-touchpad
Typing | ms-settings:typing
USB | ms-settings:usb
Wheel | ms-settings:wheel (only available if Dial is paired)
Your phone | ms-settings:mobile-devices
Ease of Access
Audio | ms-settings:easeofaccess-audio
Closed captions | ms-settings:easeofaccess-closedcaptioning
Color filters | ms-settings:easeofaccess-colorfilter
Cursor & pointer size | ms-settings:easeofaccess-cursorandpointersize
Display | ms-settings:easeofaccess-display
Eye control | ms-settings:easeofaccess-eyecontrol
Fonts | ms-settings:fonts
High contrast | ms-settings:easeofaccess-highcontrast
Holographic headset | ms-settings:holographic-headset
Keyboard | ms-settings:easeofaccess-keyboard
Magnifier | ms-settings:easeofaccess-magnifier
Mouse | ms-settings:easeofaccess-mouse
Narrator | ms-settings:easeofaccess-narrator
Other options | ms-settings:easeofaccess-otheroptions (Deprecated in Windows 10, version 1809 and later)
Speech | ms-settings:easeofaccess-speechrecognition
Extras | ms-settings:extras (only available if "settings apps" are installed, e.g. by a 3rd party)
Broadcasting | ms-settings:gaming-broadcasting
Game bar | ms-settings:gaming-gamebar
Game DVR | ms-settings:gaming-gamedvr
Game Mode | ms-settings:gaming-gamemode
Playing a game full screen | ms-settings:quietmomentsgame
TruePlay | ms-settings:gaming-trueplay (Deprecated in Windows 10, version 1809 and later)
Xbox Networking | ms-settings:gaming-xboxnetworking
Home Page
Settings home page | ms-settings:
Network & internet
Airplane mode | ms-settings:network-airplanemode | ms-settings:proximity
Cellular & SIM | ms-settings:network-cellular
Data usage | ms-settings:datausage
Dial-up | ms-settings:network-dialup
DirectAccess | ms-settings:network-directaccess (only available if DirectAccess is enabled)
Ethernet | ms-settings:network-ethernet
Manage known networks | ms-settings:network-wifisettings
Mobile hotspot | ms-settings:network-mobilehotspot
NFC | ms-settings:nfctransactions
Proxy | ms-settings:network-proxy
Status | ms-settings:network-status | -settings:network
VPN | ms-settings:network-vpn
Wi-Fi | ms-settings:network-wifi (only available if the device has a wifi adapter)
Wi-Fi Calling | ms-settings:network-wificalling (only available if Wi-Fi calling is enabled)
Background | ms-settings:personalization-background
Choose which folders appear on Start | ms-settings:personalization-start-places
Colors | ms-settings:personalization-colors | ms-settings:colors
Glance | ms-settings:personalization-glance (Deprecated in Windows 10, version 1809 and later)
Lock screen | ms-settings:lockscreen
Navigation bar | ms-settings:personalization-navbar (Deprecated in Windows 10, version 1809 and later)
Personalization (category) | ms-settings:personalization
Start | ms-settings:personalization-start
Taskbar | ms-settings:taskbar
Themes | ms-settings:themes
Your phone | ms-settings:mobile-devices | ms-settings:mobile-devices-addphone | ms-settings:mobile-devices-addphone-direct (Opens Your Phone app)
Accessory apps | ms-settings:privacy-accessoryapps (Deprecated in Windows 10, version 1809 and later)
Account info | ms-settings:privacy-accountinfo
Activity history | ms-settings:privacy-activityhistory
Advertising ID | ms-settings:privacy-advertisingid (Deprecated in Windows 10, version 1809 and later)
App diagnostics | ms-settings:privacy-appdiagnostics
Automatic file downloads | ms-settings:privacy-automaticfiledownloads
Background Apps | ms-settings:privacy-backgroundapps
Calendar | ms-settings:privacy-calendar
Call history | ms-settings:privacy-callhistory
Camera | ms-settings:privacy-webcam
Contacts | ms-settings:privacy-contacts
Documents | ms-settings:privacy-documents
Email | ms-settings:privacy-email
Eye tracker | ms-settings:privacy-eyetracker
Feedback & diagnostics | ms-settings:privacy-feedback
File system | ms-settings:privacy-broadfilesystemaccess
General | ms-settings:privacy-general
Location | ms-settings:privacy-location
Messaging | ms-settings:privacy-messaging
Microphone | ms-settings:privacy-microphone
Motion | ms-settings:privacy-motion
Notifications | ms-settings:privacy-notifications
Other devices | ms-settings:privacy-customdevices
Pictures | ms-settings:privacy-pictures
Phone calls | ms-settings:privacy-phonecall (Deprecated in Windows 10, version 1809 and later)
Radios | ms-settings:privacy-radios
Speech, inking & typing | ms-settings:privacy-speechtyping
Tasks | ms-settings:privacy-tasks
Videos | ms-settings:privacy-videos
Surface Hub
Accounts | ms-settings:surfacehub-accounts
Session cleanup | ms-settings:surfacehub-sessioncleanup
Team Conferencing | ms-settings:surfacehub-calling
Team device management | ms-settings:surfacehub-devicemanagenent
Welcome screen | ms-settings:surfacehub-welcome
About | ms-settings:about
Advanced display settings | ms-settings:display-advanced
Battery Saver | ms-settings:batterysaver
Battery Saver settings | ms-settings:batterysaver-settings
Battery use | ms-settings:batterysaver-usagedetails
Clipboard | ms-settings:clipboard
Display | ms-settings:display
Default Save Locations | ms-settings:savelocations
Display | ms-settings:screenrotation
Duplicating my display | ms-settings:quietmomentspresentation
During these hours | ms-settings:quietmomentsscheduled
Encryption | ms-settings:deviceencryption
Focus assist | ms-settings:quiethours | ms-settings:quietmomentshome
Graphics Settings | ms-settings:display-advancedgraphics
Messaging | ms-settings:messaging
Multitasking | ms-settings:multitasking
Night light settings | ms-settings:nightlight
Phone | ms-settings:phone-defaultapps
Projecting to this PC | ms-settings:project
Shared experiences | ms-settings:crossdevice
Tablet mode | ms-settings:tabletmode
Taskbar | ms-settings:taskbar
Notifications & actions | ms-settings:notifications
Remote Desktop | ms-settings:remotedesktop
Phone | ms-settings:phone (Deprecated in Windows 10, version 1809 and later)
Power & sleep | ms-settings:powersleep
Sounds | ms-settings:sounds
Storage | ms-settings:storagesense
Storage Sense | ms-settings:storagepolicies
Time and Language
Date & time | ms-settings:dateandtime
Japan IME settings | ms-settings:regionlanguage-jpnime
Language | ms-settings:keyboard
Pinyin IME settings | ms-settings:regionlanguage-chsime-pinyin
Speech | ms-settings:speech
Wubi IME settings | ms-settings:regionlanguage-chsime-wubi (available if the Microsoft Wubi input method editor is installed)
Update & Security
Activation | ms-settings:activation
Backup | ms-settings:backup
Delivery Optimization | ms-settings:delivery-optimization
Find My Device | ms-settings:findmydevice
For developers | ms-settings:developers
Recovery | ms-settings:recovery
Troubleshoot | ms-settings:troubleshoot
Windows Security | -settings:windowsdefender
Windows Insider Program | ms-settings:windowsinsider | ms-settings:windowsinsider-optin
Windows Update | ms-settings:windowsupdate | ms-settings:windowsupdate-action
Windows Update-Advanced options | ms-settings:windowsupdate-options
Windows Update-Restart options | ms-settings:windowsupdate-restartoptions
Windows Update-View update history | ms-settings:windowsupdate-history
User Accounts
Provisioning | ms-settings:workplace-provisioning
Provisioning | ms-settings:provisioning
Windows Anywhere | ms-settings:windowsanywhere
Saturday, February 26. 2022
Unnecessary Knowledge
A website with well over 200 pieces of unnecessary knowledge.
Did you know that 50% of female polar bears also have a penis. How about the fact that polar bears are left-handed. Or that Charlie Chaplin once won third prize in a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest. And finally, 45% of Americans don't know that the sun is a star.
All this and more from here.
Did you know that 50% of female polar bears also have a penis. How about the fact that polar bears are left-handed. Or that Charlie Chaplin once won third prize in a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest. And finally, 45% of Americans don't know that the sun is a star.
All this and more from here.
Thursday, February 24. 2022
I was sat at my PC and Varda walked up to me and said that she could name the oceans, and then proceeded to do so. She then asked me if I knew the continents song, and when I said "No", she asked me to search for it. She then proceeded to sing along to it. The song is from the Hopscotch Songs YouTube Channel. There is also a Hopscotch Songs Website
Saturday, February 19. 2022
The Belgariad/Mallorean
When I was younger, in my early teens, I would absolutely devour science-fiction novels, from the likes of E.E. Doc Smith, Andre Norton, Arthur C. Clarke, Isaac Asimov, Larry Niven, etc; the list goes on. I also read a lot of Doctor Who and Star Trek novels. During that time, my only exposure to any sort of fantasy novels was The Hobbit; I didn't read The Lord of the Rings until much later.
One day, starved of anything new to read, I visited the local library, and happened upon a book called Pawn of Prophecy by David Eddings. I started reading it, and was soon hooked; I quickly returned to the library to find others in the series and would race through them as soon as they were available. I would go on to read other Fantasy authors such as Stephen Donaldson, Raymond E. Feist, Terry Brooks, Terry Goodkind and Steven Erikson, among others, and also a lot of the D&D based Dragonlance and Forgotten Realms books, but I would frequently return to The Belgariad; especially after I had since purchased my own copies.
I then discovered that a follow-up series called The Mallorean was in the works, and ended up insatiably devouring them as well. Over the next decade or so I would return to read the books in these 2 series about once a year or so. I also read the companion pieces; Belgarath the Sorcerer and Polgara the Sorceress on more than one occasion. I also quickly devoured The Rivan Codex when it was released. I also read the books in the Elenium and Tamuli series, and The Redemption of Althalus, but wasn't as enamoured with them. I still haven't gotten around to reading The Dreamers series.
Anyway, I haven't read as many books in recent times, as in previous years, and it's been over a decade since I have read any of Edding's books. At the back end of 2021, and as part of the Goodreads 2022 Reading Challenge I decided that I should rectify that and set out to re-read them, wondering if my love of the books would still be as strong, or if my expanded experience of the genre would affect how I viewed them. I don't think I had any cause to worry; within about an hour or so of starting to read Pawn of Prophecy again, I was hooked, once again. A little under 2 months later and I have read all 5 books of The Belgariad, all 5 books of the Mallorean, Belgarath and Polgara, and am about ¼ of the way through The Rivan Codex again.
I'm not sure what I'll read next; I suppose I could give The Dreamers a try, although I have been told they're not as good as Eddings' other books. I've also got books by Conn Iggulden, Fritz Leiber, Anne Rice and Terry Goodkind in my 'To Read' list. I've also got a number of biographies / memoirs on my list, from the likes of Alan Turing, Danny Trejo, Dave Grohl, Tim Peake, Dave Musutaine, Freddie Mercury, Chuck Yeager and Bruce Springsteen. I'm not short of a book or 2 to read!
From The Eddings Codex:
The Belgariad is a five-book fantasy epic written by David Eddings.
The series tell the story of the recovery of the Orb of Aldur and coming of age of Garion, an orphaned farmboy. Garion is accompanied by his aunt Polgara and her father Belgarath as they try and fulfill an ancient prophecy that will decide the fate of the universe. Along the way, various "instruments", or helpers, of the prophecy join their quest.
The Malloreon is set in the same world as The Belgariad, but expands on several aspects of the setting, especially the eastern continent of Mallorea. One of the main themes is that the apparently monolithic Angarak race, antagonists of the first series, are a more complicated group of peoples than previously shown.
The Belgariad and The Mallorean are both available from Amazon UK.
One day, starved of anything new to read, I visited the local library, and happened upon a book called Pawn of Prophecy by David Eddings. I started reading it, and was soon hooked; I quickly returned to the library to find others in the series and would race through them as soon as they were available. I would go on to read other Fantasy authors such as Stephen Donaldson, Raymond E. Feist, Terry Brooks, Terry Goodkind and Steven Erikson, among others, and also a lot of the D&D based Dragonlance and Forgotten Realms books, but I would frequently return to The Belgariad; especially after I had since purchased my own copies.
I then discovered that a follow-up series called The Mallorean was in the works, and ended up insatiably devouring them as well. Over the next decade or so I would return to read the books in these 2 series about once a year or so. I also read the companion pieces; Belgarath the Sorcerer and Polgara the Sorceress on more than one occasion. I also quickly devoured The Rivan Codex when it was released. I also read the books in the Elenium and Tamuli series, and The Redemption of Althalus, but wasn't as enamoured with them. I still haven't gotten around to reading The Dreamers series.
Anyway, I haven't read as many books in recent times, as in previous years, and it's been over a decade since I have read any of Edding's books. At the back end of 2021, and as part of the Goodreads 2022 Reading Challenge I decided that I should rectify that and set out to re-read them, wondering if my love of the books would still be as strong, or if my expanded experience of the genre would affect how I viewed them. I don't think I had any cause to worry; within about an hour or so of starting to read Pawn of Prophecy again, I was hooked, once again. A little under 2 months later and I have read all 5 books of The Belgariad, all 5 books of the Mallorean, Belgarath and Polgara, and am about ¼ of the way through The Rivan Codex again.
I'm not sure what I'll read next; I suppose I could give The Dreamers a try, although I have been told they're not as good as Eddings' other books. I've also got books by Conn Iggulden, Fritz Leiber, Anne Rice and Terry Goodkind in my 'To Read' list. I've also got a number of biographies / memoirs on my list, from the likes of Alan Turing, Danny Trejo, Dave Grohl, Tim Peake, Dave Musutaine, Freddie Mercury, Chuck Yeager and Bruce Springsteen. I'm not short of a book or 2 to read!
From The Eddings Codex:
The Belgariad is a five-book fantasy epic written by David Eddings.
The series tell the story of the recovery of the Orb of Aldur and coming of age of Garion, an orphaned farmboy. Garion is accompanied by his aunt Polgara and her father Belgarath as they try and fulfill an ancient prophecy that will decide the fate of the universe. Along the way, various "instruments", or helpers, of the prophecy join their quest.
The Malloreon is set in the same world as The Belgariad, but expands on several aspects of the setting, especially the eastern continent of Mallorea. One of the main themes is that the apparently monolithic Angarak race, antagonists of the first series, are a more complicated group of peoples than previously shown.
The Belgariad and The Mallorean are both available from Amazon UK.
Monday, February 22. 2021
Lockdown Exit Steps
Thursday, April 30. 2020
Stir Crazy
I know there's been no blog entries for a while, but, anyway, I'm still alive; although, Beck says "Just!"
Due to the Coronavirus outbreak, it's now been almost 6 weeks since I started working from home. Because I have diabetes and high blood pressure, I fall into the high risk category and have only left the house 4 or 5 times since 20th March 2020; only 1 of those was for shopping, the rest were for walks with Varda. I've got at least 6 more weeks of being cooped up. Going stir crazy!
Beck is doing all the shopping for my Dad, who is a double-amputee, my youngest sister, who is helping care for him, my other sister, who is in the very high risk category, and also for us.
Nothing more to add; stay safe!
Due to the Coronavirus outbreak, it's now been almost 6 weeks since I started working from home. Because I have diabetes and high blood pressure, I fall into the high risk category and have only left the house 4 or 5 times since 20th March 2020; only 1 of those was for shopping, the rest were for walks with Varda. I've got at least 6 more weeks of being cooped up. Going stir crazy!
Beck is doing all the shopping for my Dad, who is a double-amputee, my youngest sister, who is helping care for him, my other sister, who is in the very high risk category, and also for us.
Nothing more to add; stay safe!
Friday, November 29. 2019
Upgrade: Take 2
Around 2 months after upgrading my new PC, I've upgraded the processor again. This time, I've upgraded to AMD Ryzen 5 3600; which is a 6 Core/12 Thread/3.6GHz Zen 2 CPU.
(Page 1 of 3, totaling 23 entries)
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